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Foggy Waters

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hear your voice





Welcome to Talkwise,  an online counselling/therapy service.  If you are feeling overwhelmed by life’s demands, you'll be supported as you welcome in clarity and self-motivation. It can be difficult to look for help with emotional matters so I hope you find the information you need from this website - do get in touch if you want more information though.  You may well be feeling overwhelmed at the moment so please feel assured that you will be treated with respect and kindness.


Some of the services I offer:  


  • a safe space for you to talk, giving you time and space to look at your needs and desires. The pace of your development will be led by you; you are unique and have your own experiences and ways of viewing the world so your therapeutic process will develop around your own thoughts and feelings.​  ​

  • Techniques to better manage the emotional stress of everyday life: these can  become part of your process as you begin to explore your priorities, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

  •  NUTRITIONAL MENTORING/COMPASSIONATE EATING guidance for people who are interested in establishing a sustainable healthy eating pattern, to nourish their body and mind, and find food freedom.​  

  • If you are considering a bariatric/medical option I can help you with your  choices. I also work alongside clients once they have had their operation to help them establish and maintain their new lifestyle.​​​                                 


​Talkwise is run by Rachel Baylis, MBACP,

a fully-qualified counsellor, and member

of The British Association of Counselling

and Psychotherapy.  She  has been in

ractice for over fourteen years, working

ith people of all ages. She is a humanistic

counsellor having  trained in Gestalt

Therapy and Cognitive

Behavioural Therapy,and is also a Master

Practitioner in Eating Disorders.​​​​​​​​​​




contact: tel/text 07905 356114


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